30 April 2013

week seven [performances]


Jacoby and Karina dance the Salsa to the song “Danza Kuduro”. WOW YES! I busted out dancing the second this song started playing! They get three nines that makes a total of 27. Nice job!

Ingo and Kym dance the Rumba to the song “Maria, Maria”. GREAT SONG! They get a 22.

Bahahaha Tom is so funny! He cracks me up. “Bruno just lost his paddle along with his marbles he lost in season one.” Clever, clever.

Photo credit: ABC
Photo credit: ABC
Kellie and Derek dance the Samba to the song “shake your bon bon”. They always do very well no matter what their schedule is. I love Kellie’s outfit! So cute! They get a 29. Another ten from Len! And Bruno! Wonderful job!

Andy and Sharna dance the Rumba. It was a cute dance. I absolutely love Bruno’s blue suit. That’s the perfect shade of blue. So pretty. And since we’re talking about clothes, Andy’s yellow vest is badass. Another perfect shade. The judges rip on him and the performance and give them a 17. OUCH! Wow that totally shocked me I can’t even imagina how shocked Andy was. Being week seven I thought scores less than seven were done with. Guess not. Wow…. I think the judges are too hard on him and I think if it were Kellie dancing poorly she would have gotten sevens (at least, if not eights) instead of sixes.

Aly and Mark dance the Salsa to a very odd song that actually almost made my ears bleed. It was a wtf song. I didn’t know what to do. And Carrie Ann has left the building. What is wrong with everyone tonight? Also I did not at all like Aly’s dress. Another wtf moment. Mark almost didn’t dance tonight due to a back injury but he felt better to dance so that’s good. They get a score of 29 which makes them tied with Kellie and Derek.

Photo credit: ABC
Sean and Peta dance the Rumba to the song “Hero”. Love this song!  Catherine joined them in rehearsal to get Sean’s romance emotions. Love Peta’s dress. So pretty! I loved the dance and definitely nine material. Great, great job guys!!! “50 shades of Sean” ah Bruno you’re awesome! A very sweet birthday shout out to Catherine on live tv. Very cute. Happy birthday Catherine!! (even though I already wished you a happy birthday via twitter in four languages, I’m saying it here too). The judges give them eights (whaaat?) which is a total of 24. Now that really surprised me. I thought for sure at least one judge would give them a nine. Carrie Ann said Sean did everything right and yet gave him an eight. It doesn’t make sense. What the heck does the guy have to do to get a nine?? Come on!

Zendaya and Val dance the Paso Doble. I like her dress. Love watching their facial expressions. Great emotion! Good performance. All judges had something to say that she did wrong but I bet they will give them nines. Just watch. [a minute later] yep. Exactly what I thought. All nines. Again, if it were Andy dancing, he would have gotten sevens on this dance.

Photo credit: ABC
Kellie and Derek win immunity! They are safe this week and go on to week eight. Sweet!

La Camisa Negra (the black shirt) is performed. A song about a black shirt. That's nice. Moving on.

Round two: the dance-off.

This should be interesting.

Andy & Sharna dance the Cha Cha against Aly and Mark. I love that Andy was taking forever to decide which dance to do. That was funny. Aly and Mark win and get three more points.

Much respect for Val for choosing, like he said, “someone of our size”. Aly and Mark pushed the easy button when they chose Andy and Sharna. We all knew they were easy to beat. Val and Zendaya dance the Jive against Jacoby and  Karina. I think the Jive is Zendaya’s best dance style, she gives it 100% and is flawless with every step she takes. Lovely job! Also Jacoby and Karina did a great job. This is gonna be close! “To be the best you have to challenge the best.” Well said Val! I completely agree. Val and Zen win the dance off. Thank you, Carrie Ann, for confirming my thoughts about Val choosing a strong competitor and not an easy out.

Photo credit: ABC
Omg that kinda sucks for Sean and Peta. They just danced the Rumba and now they have to dance it again against Ingo and Kym. I really hope Sean and Peta win this dance off. They need to win!!! Two great performances but Sean danced better. This will be the closest competition yet! Sean, Sean, Sean! 
[two minutes later] F**k. That’s all kinds of wrong. How is Ingo better than Sean? Please enlighten me someone! At least Bruno agreed with me, he voted for Sean and Peta to win the dance off.

The night is over. Tomorrow are the results. See ya then.


All images are screenshots of the show taken by me (not taken from anywhere on the internet). However credit is still given to ABC for having the show available to watch online.

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