28 March 2013

DWTS week two [results]

Here it is... the first elimination show.
The results are in! Which couple will go home tonight? 
Photo credit: ABC
+The first couple safe… Ingo and Kym. 
Photo credit: ABC
+The next couple safe… Sean and Peta!! #teammurgalo BAM!
+Also safe… Wynona and Tony. Oh Wynona’s face… I loved it!
-Victor and Lindsay are the first couple in the bottom three. 
+Zendaya and Val won the twitter encore dance. That dance was fabulous. She will go very far. And oh yeah, they are also safe from elimination. But we already knew that.
+Aly has a very nice tan. Ha. She and Mark are also safe. Duh.
+DL and Cheryl are safe after a rough start last week. He looked like he was about to have a heart attack when Tom said they were safe. Yeah I’ll just chill on the floor for 5 minutes.
-Lisa and Gleeebbb! I just like saying him name like that okay?! I miss Lisa’s dog, she didn’t bring him this week. We want Giggy! We want Giggy! I just can’t get over how adorable that dog is. Anyways, Lisa and Gleb will be joining Victor and Lindsay in the bottom three.
+Next couple safe… Kellie and Derek! Like, big duh! They will also go very far. Derek usually does. There should have been two encore dances, Kellie and Derek’s dance was epic! I mean, I think I could watch and rewatch for hours. Lol. It was awesome!
+Next couple safe… Jacoby and Karina.

Photo credit: ABC
Photo credit: ABC
After the commercial break Sean and Peta talk about the #Murgalo and how it started. Thanks for that guys I had always wondered about the origin of the murgalo lol. Tom and Brooke do the murgalo! Haha that is so great. And I'm loving all the yellow y'all are wearing!

+The next couple safe… Dorothy and Tristan.
-Andy and Sharna are in the bottom three along with DL, Cheryl, Victor and Lindsay.
+Out of the bottom three couples Andy and Sharna are safe and will dance next week. I don’t understand the point of this. It’s like you’re in danger of being eliminated, oh wait just kidding you’re safe. It only makes them stress and be super anxious.
-So two couples remain, one will stay one will go. Who will go? We will never know. Because they are both staying. That was my own Dr. Seuss little rhyme. 

Photo credit: ABC
-Dorothy announced she has to withdraw from the competition due to her spinal injury. Doctor’s orders! When she was talking her voice kept breaking and her eyes watered. I really felt sad at that moment. I love that Kellie ran down to her to give her a big hug. I would be right there with them hugging it out! Bless you, Dorothy and take care of yourself! Best wishes!

As the show ends, Tiny Dancer by Elton John plays in the background and omg I totally love love love that song! It only made the moment sadder. But next week is prom night and that should be very fun! I wonder what Sean looks like in a tux? ….. hahaha.

Until next time…

All images are screenshots of the show taken by me (not taken from anywhere on the internet). However credit is still given to ABC for having the show available to watch online.

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