30 April 2013

week seven [performances]


Jacoby and Karina dance the Salsa to the song “Danza Kuduro”. WOW YES! I busted out dancing the second this song started playing! They get three nines that makes a total of 27. Nice job!

Ingo and Kym dance the Rumba to the song “Maria, Maria”. GREAT SONG! They get a 22.

Bahahaha Tom is so funny! He cracks me up. “Bruno just lost his paddle along with his marbles he lost in season one.” Clever, clever.

Photo credit: ABC
Photo credit: ABC
Kellie and Derek dance the Samba to the song “shake your bon bon”. They always do very well no matter what their schedule is. I love Kellie’s outfit! So cute! They get a 29. Another ten from Len! And Bruno! Wonderful job!

Andy and Sharna dance the Rumba. It was a cute dance. I absolutely love Bruno’s blue suit. That’s the perfect shade of blue. So pretty. And since we’re talking about clothes, Andy’s yellow vest is badass. Another perfect shade. The judges rip on him and the performance and give them a 17. OUCH! Wow that totally shocked me I can’t even imagina how shocked Andy was. Being week seven I thought scores less than seven were done with. Guess not. Wow…. I think the judges are too hard on him and I think if it were Kellie dancing poorly she would have gotten sevens (at least, if not eights) instead of sixes.

Aly and Mark dance the Salsa to a very odd song that actually almost made my ears bleed. It was a wtf song. I didn’t know what to do. And Carrie Ann has left the building. What is wrong with everyone tonight? Also I did not at all like Aly’s dress. Another wtf moment. Mark almost didn’t dance tonight due to a back injury but he felt better to dance so that’s good. They get a score of 29 which makes them tied with Kellie and Derek.

Photo credit: ABC
Sean and Peta dance the Rumba to the song “Hero”. Love this song!  Catherine joined them in rehearsal to get Sean’s romance emotions. Love Peta’s dress. So pretty! I loved the dance and definitely nine material. Great, great job guys!!! “50 shades of Sean” ah Bruno you’re awesome! A very sweet birthday shout out to Catherine on live tv. Very cute. Happy birthday Catherine!! (even though I already wished you a happy birthday via twitter in four languages, I’m saying it here too). The judges give them eights (whaaat?) which is a total of 24. Now that really surprised me. I thought for sure at least one judge would give them a nine. Carrie Ann said Sean did everything right and yet gave him an eight. It doesn’t make sense. What the heck does the guy have to do to get a nine?? Come on!

Zendaya and Val dance the Paso Doble. I like her dress. Love watching their facial expressions. Great emotion! Good performance. All judges had something to say that she did wrong but I bet they will give them nines. Just watch. [a minute later] yep. Exactly what I thought. All nines. Again, if it were Andy dancing, he would have gotten sevens on this dance.

Photo credit: ABC
Kellie and Derek win immunity! They are safe this week and go on to week eight. Sweet!

La Camisa Negra (the black shirt) is performed. A song about a black shirt. That's nice. Moving on.

Round two: the dance-off.

This should be interesting.

Andy & Sharna dance the Cha Cha against Aly and Mark. I love that Andy was taking forever to decide which dance to do. That was funny. Aly and Mark win and get three more points.

Much respect for Val for choosing, like he said, “someone of our size”. Aly and Mark pushed the easy button when they chose Andy and Sharna. We all knew they were easy to beat. Val and Zendaya dance the Jive against Jacoby and  Karina. I think the Jive is Zendaya’s best dance style, she gives it 100% and is flawless with every step she takes. Lovely job! Also Jacoby and Karina did a great job. This is gonna be close! “To be the best you have to challenge the best.” Well said Val! I completely agree. Val and Zen win the dance off. Thank you, Carrie Ann, for confirming my thoughts about Val choosing a strong competitor and not an easy out.

Photo credit: ABC
Omg that kinda sucks for Sean and Peta. They just danced the Rumba and now they have to dance it again against Ingo and Kym. I really hope Sean and Peta win this dance off. They need to win!!! Two great performances but Sean danced better. This will be the closest competition yet! Sean, Sean, Sean! 
[two minutes later] F**k. That’s all kinds of wrong. How is Ingo better than Sean? Please enlighten me someone! At least Bruno agreed with me, he voted for Sean and Peta to win the dance off.

The night is over. Tomorrow are the results. See ya then.


All images are screenshots of the show taken by me (not taken from anywhere on the internet). However credit is still given to ABC for having the show available to watch online.

24 April 2013

week six [results]

The results are in! Week six is here!

+Kellie and Derek are safe.
+Aly and Mark are safe as well.
+Zendaya and Val are safe. Duh.
-Sean and Peta are the first in jeopardy. Kinda knew it. Hope they don’t go home!!  Andy and Victor have to go home before Sean!

“When you’re moving, everything is groovy” That’s my favorite line of the whole song! Ha.
 Will. I. Am. performs and it’s awesome! Now it’s a party.

Ingo actually named his son Peanut? Like it’s his legit name on his birth certificate? How is that kid ever going to get a job with that name? It’s a cute nickname but as an actual name not so cute.
+Ingo and Kym are safe by the way.

Photo credit: ABC
Another performance by the Macy’s Stars of Dance tonight. Not feeling the song. In fact I hate it with everything in me. But their dance is awesome, like always. It was entertaining to watch. 
They are so good!

-Victor and Lindsay are in jeopardy with Sean and Peta.
-Andy and Sharna are in jeopardy. Andy already knew this. He expects it every week. That’s not quite the right attitude but okay.
+Jacoby and Karina are safe.

It’s Sean & Peta vs. Victor & Lindsay vs. Andy & Sharna in the bottom three. Who will go home tonight?
+Andy and Sharna are safe I didn’t expect this!

Photo credit: ABC
Sean and Peta are in the bottom two! Nooooo! This might be the end of Sean on DWTS. That look on Peta's face is exactly what I looked like waiting for the results. (Except more so)

Two very long and anxious minutes later...

-Victor and Lindsay are eliminated. I'm very sad. I thought Andy would leave before them. I will miss Lindsay’s beautiful dresses.

“I Just Called To Say I Love You” by Stevie Wonder plays at the end of the show. I absolutely love that song!

Even though I’m sad to see Lindsay and Victor go, I am glad Sean and Peta made it to next week!

Next week is Latin Night! I love Latin! Only seven couples remain. 

Until next time...

All images are screenshots of the show taken by me (not taken from anywhere on the internet). However credit is still given to ABC for having the show available to watch online.

DWTS week six [performances]

Photo credit: ABC

It’s Stevie Wonder night on dwts! It’s gonna be a good night. Stevie Wonder is phenomenal I love all his songs so I’m really excited for tonight show!

Val and Zendaya dance first and get a 29.
Andy and Sharna dance next and get an 18.

Sean and Peta dance the samba and get a 21. Get an ipod Carrie Ann? Really? That was an unnecessary comment. 
Photo credit: ABC
But he went shirtless!! The minute I saw his outfit I figured he would take it off. Peta said in week one they would take off the shirt when they needed to. It only took six weeks… But now all you need to do is dance better and get lots of nines and tens in the coming weeks. So practice the hardest you have ever practiced! I want to see you go far.

Aly and Mark dance the fox trot and get a 27. Omg no wonder Aly was feeling so down. She was supposed to be at the Boston marathon. Totally understandable. That event was so horrible and sad that I don’t know if I would have been able to keep myself together if I was in her shoes. Her dress is gorgeous (so glittery) and the song fits perfectly. I love that song! Her performance was wonderful. 

Ingo and Kym dance the tango and get a 24. It's also Ingo's birthday. Happy birthday! His son is so adorable! "I'll see you at the after party!" Haha awww. 
Photo credit: ABC
Kellie and Derek dance the quick step and get a 29. BAAAAM!! Their rehearsal package was so funny! And Kellie’s fake hair looked awesome! Doesn’t she resemble Shawn Johnson this week? I think so. And oh snap Len gives his first ten to them! That’s amazing! Great job guys! Kellie's red pants outfit was so pretty and so elegant.  

Photo credit: ABC
Victor and Lindsay dance the rumba. Omg I absolutely love the song they danced to! Best of the night! “I just called to say I love you!!” And Lindsay’s dress once again steals my heart. It resembles a Greek goddess dress. So pretty! As always. They get an 18 and I'm sorry to say this but that score is rather generous because Victor did not do any dance moves during that entire performance. He just followed Lindsay around and watched as she did her dance. I have to agree with Bruno. I love you guys but that dance was not good. That's unfortunate because that could have been a great dance if it was performed well. 

Jacoby and Karina dance the quick step and get a 23. Karina’s dress is very pretty and the right shade of yellow. I liked that they went into the audience to dance. That was fun. And oh geez Jacoby is hella funny. He should be a comedian.

My Cherie Amor. I just died. It’s one of my favorite songs. Lots of French songs on this show. Ha love it.

Round one is complete. Round two: team dances.
Team Samba vs Team Paso.

Photo credit: ABC
Team Paso’s dance wasn’t interesting. The judges were right on the criticism. What I don’t understand is the scores they gave them. Two 7s and an 8? Are you serious? After all three judges pretty much said everyone sucked? That is way too generous. Whatever.

Team Samba killed it! Two 8s and one 9! BAM! That’s how it’s done! Great, great job guys!

So here is the breakdown:

Tied for first place: Kellie & Derek and Zendaya & Val with 29 points.
Second place: Aly and Mark with 27 points
Third place: Ingo and Kym with 24 points
Fourth place: Jacoby and Karina with 23 points.
Fifth place: Sean and Peta with 21 points.
Tied for sixth place: Victor & Lindsay and Andy & Sharna with 18 points

Tomorrow is the results show. Which couple will go home?

Until next time…

All images are screenshots of the show taken by me (not taken from anywhere on the internet). However credit is still given to ABC for having the show available to watch online.

17 April 2013

DWTS week five [results]

America has voted and the results are in! Which couple will go home tonight?

Photo credit: ABC
Intruders on the moon! Repeat. Dancing intruders on the moon!
The results show opens up by taking the audience to a far away place called the moon. The dance was freaking amazing!

+The first couple safe is Kellie and Derek!
-The first couple in jeopardy is Ingo and Kym.
Photo credit: ABC

When Sean gave Tristan a rose I almost fell off my chair. Sensing a little bromance? First the copying, then the rose giving, what’s next Sean? Ha.

Jacoby got his wish tonight! He and Karina dance the encore. And we get to see him jump magically over Karina again. That will never stop being amazing. I mean she looks like she would be my height (5 feet 5 inches) so he has to jump 5.5 feet without any help. How does one do that?? My breath is taken away and my mind is blown. I am also in love with Anna’s last name: Trebunskaya. That is so fun to say!

+The next couple safe is Zendaya and Val. And Maks looks like a gondola according to his brother. Ha.

Photo credit: ABC
Okay this next segment is freaking hilarious. The time? Three minutes until performance. The place? DWTS backstage. Lindsay was getting last minute touchups and Victor was debating if he should empty out his bladder or not. He decided to empty it. In less than three minutes. That is crazy fast! It was so funny watching his facial expressions and how worried he was that he might pee his pants while dancing and then watch him race to the bathroom. But I think it’s good that he went because if he hadn’t I think he would have been focusing on not wetting his pants and he might have forgotten all of his dance steps. And then everything would be crap. Or he might have just peed his pants but danced well. We will never know. Ha. It was too funny.

-Victor and Lindsay are in jeopardy.

The Band Perry performs. I like their music.

Len gives a nice pep talk to the dancers. It’s very inspiring.
Photo credit: ABC

+Jacoby and Karina are safe.
+Aly and Mark are safe as well!

Aha! I spy Derek stealing Matthew McConaughey’s phrase. “Alright, alright, alright!” Maybe he will forgive you, Derek, if it’s your first offense. Ha.

Next week are team dances and Brooke asked Andy which team, Kellie’s or Zendaya’s, would he want to be. And he replies, “TEAM PICKLER-DICK”. Oh.Em.Gee. That is too funny! Brooke responds, “What… did you just… you can’t say that!!” Rolling on the floor now. Karina is so pretty. I just have to point that out. She is really, really beautiful. 

Another Stars of Dance performance by Macy’s happens and it is a song by Kerli. I love her voice. It is beautiful.

Photo credit: ABC
After Kerli performs, Selena Gomez sings her new song. I love her and all but I did not like that song. Like at all. Sorry Selena. I don’t even think she sang it live. But her outfit was pretty! And I love when the song ended the dancers held their tree pose forever. They didn’t let up at all. And Selena didn’t look too happy.

I’m having a tiny bit of a problem with Sean and Peta calling each other babe. It probably doesn’t mean anything and it’s just a term of endearment but I would be concerned if my fiancé called another girl babe. Just saying. It’s not even a one-time slip, they said it multiple times. Maybe it’s just me who feels that way. Maybe that’s the norm in 2013. What do I know? I’m just a college student in a small city. DL and Cheryl called each other babe too. Whatevs.

Photo credit: ABC
So Tom reveals to everyone that Sean and Catherine’s televised marriage will be aired on ABC in August. Wait hold the phone! I heard it was originally supposed to be in July, then it got pushed back to December, and now it’s in August? That makes no sense! Sean even seemed puzzled. Tom, crack is bad for you. Just fyi. 
                                   This is Sean's confused face --->>>

+”The next couple who is safe… but maybe not with Catherine is… [long pause like we don’t know who] Sean and Peta!” Obviously. Unless someone else on the show has a mate called Catherine, we knew at that point it was Sean safe. Nevertheless, yay!!! Go Sean and Peta! You are continuing to week six. Time to get some nines. Practice hard!

+Andy and Sharna are safe as well. Andy said earlier that they are getting comfortable in the jeopardy box. Well not this week buddy!

-DL and Cheryl are in the bottom three alongside Victor & Lindsay and Ingo & Kym.
+Out of the bottom three, the couple safe is Ingo and Kym.

Victor and Lindsay have been in the bottom two since the beginning. Poor kids.

-DL and Cheryl vs. Victor and Lindsay. Who is going home tonight? [my long pause]…… DL and Cheryl! About time. I was ready for them to leave. Dancing is not his strong suit.

So eight couples remain. Onto week six! Team dances are next week and Stevie Wonder performs.

Until next time…

All images are screenshots of the show taken by me (not taken from anywhere on the internet). However credit is still given to ABC for having the show available to watch online.

16 April 2013

DWTS week five [performances]

Photo credit: ABC
Hey y’all it’s week five which is halfway through the season! Already?? Geez. Time flies when you’re dancing!

Dancing alongside not one but two pros? Get ready stars this is about to happen! Hope you practiced extra hard this week! No pressure!

Well here we go.

Ingo and Kym dance the Cha-Cha-Cha alongside Tony and Emma. Oh that song. I miss it. Voulez-vous coucher avec moi ce soir? They did a good job but it was not their best. In result of this they receive a score of 21, which isn't horrible.

Next dancing alongside Anna and Maks is Jacoby and Karina. Their song was really familiar to me and I know I have heard it somewhere before. It took me forever to think of where I heard it. It was on Full House when Michelle and her friend were in the talent show and he was singing that song.  It was cute. (If I’m remembering correctly, if not then it's from another tv show). I miss Full House. The 90s were freaking awesome! Back to Jacoby and Karina. I liked their performance and I loved Jacoby’s jump over Karina. Homeboy got some major air! And without the help of Karina’s shoulders or anything. Badass. They dance the Jive and get a 26. Very nice. 

Victor and Lindsay dance the Viennese Waltz alongside Tristan and Emma. There goes Lindsay with yet another beautiful dress. She never disappoints! Except I would like it better if it was a different color. Like a white or a lighter shade of pink or a pale blue. Emma’s dress was very pretty. The judges give them a 21.

Aly and Mark dance the Samba with Tony and Whitney. They get a 25. (even though all the judges gave bad reviews). 

Photo credit: ABC
Photo credit: ABC
Oh. My. Gosh. Sean’s dance was freaking amazing! The part when he was acting like a diva and getting fed grapes was just priceless. I loved it so much! Too funny. His sense of humor is one of many things I love about him. And Tristan’s face. He’s like wtf man. Love. It! Truly madly deeply loved every second of their entire performance!! Even the rehearsal package was hilarious!! His idea to copy every single thing Tristan did was genius! Sean and Peta dance the Quick-Step alongside Tristan and Chelsie and get a 24!!! Yes great job guys! Nice! Their highest score yet! Bruno calls Sean a swan. And Len responds with calling Sean a pigeon. I don’t get it. Idk why he compared Sean to a pigeon. Maybe I’m missing something. I agree with Bruno with the swan comment.
And it’s funny watching Bruno dying of laughter listening to Len talk about statues and pigeons and tries to explain himself but fails miserably. Carrie Anne doesn’t get it, I don’t get it. I doubt anyone gets it. Except Len. Maybe it’s a British thing. Ha! And I loved Sean and Peta’s outfits! So sparkly! I also loved her hair! She looked exactly like Beyonce in Austin Powers: Goldmember!  Like I said, I loved every single second of Sean and Peta this week.

Photo credit: ABC
Kellie and Derek dance the Fox Trot alongside Henry and Anna. I absolutely love the song they dance to. Kellie’s wig looks funny on her. But her dress is gorgeous! And I love their dance, it’s so perfectly performed and romantic. The part where they waddle like penguins is my favorite, it’s pretty awesome! They receive a score of 27.

Dancing with Sasha and Chelsie is DL and Cheryl. They dance the Tango and get an 18. Wow the judges did not hold back on the criticism. I'm kinda ready for him to leave. Sorry DL but yeah. Stick with comedy. It suits you better.

Photo credit: ABC
So Zendaya gets to dance the Argentine Tango with Val… and Maks… the brothers. Yeah that was planned. (And Anna as Maks’ partner). I really enjoyed their dance this week. I liked the music and the tango is always fun to watch. And Val gets a dance lesson from his brother, because he has never danced the Argentine Tango before. Ha that is awesome. Zendaya and Val get a 29. Holy Moly! Carrie Ann and Bruno gave the first tens of the season.

Andy and Sharna dance the Paso Doble with Sasha and Emma. It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s Andy Dick! Haha loved Andy’s entrance. That was badass and very Zorro-like. And Sharna’s facial expressions are my favorite, she is so good at them!  I thought their Paso Doble was entertaining to watch however the judges disagreed. “It was more Pasadena than Paso Doble” Len says while Carrie Anne is dying of laughter because of Andy’s entrance. They gave Andy and Sharna a score of 18.

So there you go. The rankings are as follows:

In first place- Zendaya and Val with 29 points.
In second place- Kellie and Derek with 27 points.
In third place- Jacoby and Karina with 26 points.
In fourth place- Aly and Mark with 26 points.
In fifth place- Sean and Peta with 24 points. (yay they moved up!)
Tied for sixth place- Victor & Lindsay and Ingo & Kym with 21 points.
And finally tied for last place- DL & Cheryl and Andy & Sharna with 18 points.

Tomorrow is the results show! Who do you think will go home?

Until next time..

All images are screenshots of the show taken by me (not taken from anywhere on the internet). However credit is still given to ABC for having the show available to watch online.

09 April 2013

DWTS week four [performances]

Welcome everyone to week four! This week is Best Year of Your Life. It's supposed to be very emotional.

Photo credit: ABC
Up first... Sean and Peta!! Their YMCA dance with Bruno last week was so incredible that it will be hard to top that this week. You can do it Sean! He and Peta dance the Viennese Waltz and it was the sweetest dance ever. The kiss with Catherine was adorable. He's used to kissing her on television by now, what's another one? And the song was perfect, I love that song! Also Peta's dress was gorgeous! I knew that 2012 was his best year, I mean duh. The lift police is back from vacay and gave Sean the infamous 6. Their performance overall  receives only a 20, which surprised me. “We will do better next week.” Don’t be too confident there, Sean. Hopefully you make it to next week. I’ll be voting for you! I'm always a fan of yours. 

Lindsay and Victor dance the Paso Doble and get an 18. It was an interesting dance. I liked their outfits. It certainly fit the song. And I grew up listening to the oldies and classic rock (thx dad) so of course I was really excited to hear "We Will Rock You" play (except their version wasn't by Queen, which was disappointing).

Jacoby and Karina dance the Fox Trot and get a 24. He dedicates it to his baby son. “That my daddy” that’s so sweet.

Aly and Mark dance Contemporary. Love their song! They get three 9’s. A 27. The highest score of the season so far!

Andy and Sharna dance Contemporary to "Hallelujah". That song is always emotional. Carrie Ann cries. I mean cries a lot. Think she will give them a ten? Maybeee. Omg only a seven! I don’t get it. What does a person have to do to be rewarded a ten?! A 21 is their total.

Up next are Zendaya and Val. They dance the Samba and get a 26. I really enjoyed their dance last week but this week I personally didn’t care much for it. But I do love that she is taller than him in heels. It amuses me. 

Photo credit: ABC
Ingo and Kym dance the Viennese Waltz to Christina Perry’s "A Thousand Years". Beautiful dance to a beautiful song! I'm sold. They get a score of 23. Nice job Ingo and Kym! And both of them looked very elegant. I enjoyed their performance very much. I need Ingo's 5-minute abs workout! I mean for real. 

DL and Cheryl dance the Fox Trot and get a 21. Uhhh… moving on.

Photo credit: ABC
Kellie and Derek dance the Rumba to a song Kellie’s husband wrote for her on their wedding day. Kellie’s story is so touching and beautiful. I want to get married in the Caribbean! Kellie you have inspired me. And you looked so beautiful! Their performance gets a 26. Very good job! 

Lisa and gleb dance the Cha Cha. They get an 18. But she wasn’t feeling well so yeah she wouldn’t dance her greatest. I thought they would be a little lenient with her score. Wrong.

Sean & Peta, Victor & Lindsay and Lisa & Gleb have the lowest scores. I think the judges were too hard on Sean tonight. They deserved better scores, at least a 21 or 22. I think it was a solid performance. You didnt see the audience rise to their feet after any other performance, only Sean's. Last week the YMCA dance should have received at least a 24, I think maybe the judges are being a little hard on Sean for some reason. Maybe the whole bachelor thing. Who knows.

Photo credit: ABC

The lift police is back! Watch yo-selves now! 
No seriously...

Tomorrow the results are in. (Sean be safe, Sean be safe, Sean be safe).
We will see...

Until next time..

A much shorter blog tonight and that's because I was writing it while watching the show live last night (and rewatched some parts today to get pics) I'm experimenting what works best for me: blog during the show or rewatch it another time and blog then. (Those are the longer blogs)

All images are screenshots of the show taken by me (not taken from anywhere on the internet). However credit is still given to ABC for having the show available to watch online.

03 April 2013

DWTS week three [results]

The second results show and the second elimination. (Well really the first elimination since Dorothy withdrew last week).
Photo credit: ABC
Prom King and Queen is Zendaya and Jacoby. She hasn’t even be to prom yet and she can say she was crowned prom queen. That’s badass. And Jacoby got kicked out of his prom and now he’s prom king. Oh the irony.
Photo credit: ABC

+Not only do both of them get 2 extra points added to their scores but they are also safe! Nice.

“Who is most likely to get a ten from Len?” “Well nobody.” Bahaha love this because it is so true. Len rarely gives out tens.

Photo credit: ABC
Okay I officially died just now. Not only did the encore dance go to Sean and Peta, but also Bruno joins them!! Bruno’s wish granted. Bahaha. I love this. He was so excited and it was even more fun to watch than yesterday. I totally did not expect that at all.
Photo credit: ABC

Yes I’m not the only one who can’t do simple math in my head! I need to be best friends with Kellie and Derek! I love them anyway so this would work out. What do you say guys? Wanna be BFFs?

Photo credit: ABC
+Technically the third couple safe (after Zendaya & Val and Jacoby & Karina) is Kellie and Derek! Yay!
+The fourth couple safe is DL and Cheryl.
+The next couple safe is. . . Sean and Peta!!! Yes omg I clapped so hard my hands were red. On to week 4 with you guys great job!! Can’t wait to see what dance you will perform next week! I’m so excited!! 
-Lisa and Gleb are in jeopardy.
+Victor and Lindsay are safe.
-Andy and Sharna are also in jeopardy with Lisa and Gleb.
Photo credit: ABC

The Macy’s performance was sooooo awesome!!! I was completely blown away. It was really magical.

+Aly and Mark are safe!
+Ingo and Kym are also safe.
-Wynonna and Tony are in jeopardy.
+From the bottom three the couple that is safe is Lisa and Gleb. This leaves Andy & Sharna and Wynonna & Tony in the bottom two.

-And it’s Wynonna and Tony eliminated.

Oh yeah and Demi Lovato performs her song 'Heartbreak' and does an amazing job! Love you Demi! 

So there you go. Only ten couples remain. It was a great night. Good night everyone!

Until next time..

All images are screenshots of the show taken by me (not taken from anywhere on the internet). However credit is still given to ABC for having the show available to watch online.

02 April 2013

DWTS week three [performances]

It’s Prom week on Dancing with the Stars!
Photo credit: ABC
I miss high school and going to prom. I went to at least 2 proms. Maybe 3. And many, many midwinters and snowballs. (Which are dances like prom except in January instead of April or May) It was so much fun. College doesn’t have these events which is actually really sad.

Mark and Aly dance the Viennese waltz. Her dress is really pretty. As always. And omg Len’s pink ruffley shirt is way awesome! Since it is April Fool’s day Len took advantage of this and played a prank on Aly and Mark. He said they didn’t dance as good as they have been. The audience booed like they always do until Len said April Fool’s. Good one Len. Aly and Mark get a 23. Nice.
Photo credit: ABC
I love Brooke’s prom hair!

Andy and Sharna dance the Cha Cha. She looks like Catwoman with her costume. She just needs a tail and cat ears. Ha. They get an 18. Andy always carries two 6-packs.

Ingo and Kym dance the Paso Doble. Haven’t seen that dance since So You Think You Can Dance season 3. I miss Neil Haskell. He was my homeboy. Breaking News: Ingo is 42! Whoa..  did not know that. He really doesn’t look 42 at all! I would've guessed 35. Anyways, their performance gets a score of 21.

Photo credit: ABC
Lisa and Gleb dance the Viennese waltz. They need Giggy to tweet for them to get votes. Good plan he has 70,000 followers. “You look like a dancer when you don’t move.” Bahaha Gleb. They receive a score of 21.
Photo credit: ABC

Kellie and Derek dance the jive. Derek does the wasp face. Also known as the Vendetta face as I call it. They get a 25. Very nice! That’s the highest score so far. Len gives his highest score yet to Kellie and Derek. Even when Carrie Anne and Bruno gave them 9’s last week, Len gave them an 8. Not this week!

Victor and Lindsay dance contemporary. Like I’ve said before, Lindsay’s dresses are always so beautiful. And this week is no exception. I want to clone her wardrobe! Ha. That girl has serious style. They get a 23.

DL and Cheryl dance salsa. They get a 16, but I liked their pretty blue outfits.

Jacoby and Karina dance the rumba. I loved the song they danced to! Bruno and I pronounce Jacoby’s name the same way: Jacob-y (the white way). Sorry man. They get a 24.

Wynonna and Tony dance the samba and the best part for me was their song. I loved it! Their score? A 15. The lowest score of the night.

Photo credit: ABC
Photo credit: ABC
Sean and Peta dance the Cha Cha to YMCA. He said it’s played at every prom but it wasn’t played at any dance I went to. Hip hop and whatever was popular at that time played at my proms. Maybe YMCA played in the early 2000's lol. I wish it played at my prom. It’s a fun dance. Peta will you accept Sean’s rose? Omg was that his idea? I thought he was done with the roses. Ha. Oh man they did such a great job and that song is addicting. I swear I can watch their performance a million times. Ha. I think Bruno liked it. A little bit. Maybe? Ha. “There was one thing that was missing from that routine… Bruno.” Ha. And their costumes were the least prom-like anyone can wear. They could have received better scores but they got a 21, which is an improvement from last week so great job guys! I loved it! 

Zendaya and Val dance the last dance of the night: the Viennese waltz. She is 16 and therefore has not yet been to the prom. How will she do? Well she has a great song to dance to: Que Sera Sera. (Whatever will be, will be). Of course she gave a fantastic performance. And it was extra meaningful because she dedicated it to her grandma. And I loved her dress, beautiful! They receive a score of 24. Very nice job! 

It was a great night with good performances! Tomorrow is the results show. Which couple will go home? 

Until next time..

All images are screenshots of the show taken by me (not taken from anywhere on the internet). However credit is still given to ABC for having the show available to watch online.